50 countries & counting


 Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.

Mark Twain

From Istanbul to Iguazú, from Reykjavík to Rajasthan, and Tasmania to Trinidad exploring far-flung destinations is one of the things I love most.

My love affair with the world began as a young girl poring through dog-eared pages of my grandfather’s National Geographic magazines. I would spend hours in awe, admiring the images of diverse landscapes, people, and cultures from around the world. Fast-forward to the present day and I have wandered to over 50 countries and counting.

I believe travel is one of the best educations one can have. I truly value and appreciate the opportunities I’ve had to travel freely. I gravitate to authentic, eco-friendly travel experiences that allow me to explore and learn from locals and respect their homes and the environment. There is much to be learned by venturing outside and looking at the world with heart, mind, and eyes wide open whether it’s a few blocks or a few continents away. Exposure to distant lands has enriched my life and humbled me in so many ways. I always come home from a trip changed. Sometimes it’s something small, like the way I make my morning coffee. Other times it is more profound and challenges my beliefs and values.

Travel has broadened my horizons, inspired my creativity, and connected me with people, cultures, music, languages, beliefs, cuisine and so much more.

Below is a gallery of a few select photos I’ve taken throughout my travels.